We develop engineering solutions for complex machines that move and the humans that control them, from aircraft to cars. Our R&E consulting services and simulation products bridge the gap between engineering and human factors.


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Controlling the aircraft of the future, from aviation to space travel.

Since we began in 1957, STI has been advancing the state of the art of flying. Military aircraft. Commercial jets. Spacecraft. And now, N+3. Our aeroservoelasticity expertise is solving control problems posed by today’s lighter, more flexible aircraft. More


Integrating UAS into our airspace: the requirements

Systems Technology Inc. (STI) wrote the original fundamental reference for comprehending, designing and analyzing flight control systems for manned aircraft. Today, we’re on our course to do the same for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, addressing airworthiness and maneuverability to support the safe growth of the drone industry in all sectors. More.

4 reasons to bring in STI engineers to supplement your own team.


1. Solve thorny dynamics and control challenges

If it moves, we can troubleshoot it. We have 50 years of specialized expertise in analyzing and identifying why things are going wrong (before or after field testing) and how to fix them, from spacecraft to giant telescopes to commercial jets. More


2. Verify design before expensive real-world testing

Instead of discovering that you have a dynamic and control issue after it’s built, let us audit your design. Think of the money you’ll save. If your test results aren’t what you expected, we can quickly get to underlying math and physics issues at the root of the problem. More


3. Get back on schedule and meet your milestones

A major commercial jet manufacturer was falling behind on manufacturing milestones because of a vibration issue. We sent our special forces in for three weeks, nailed the problem, and put them back on schedule. More


4. Audit your model before the government does

The government enlists us to perform audits for certification, from the FAA to the DOD. We know what they’re looking for. Instead of going the process only to find out you didn’t pass, bring us in early in the game to audit your models, identify red flags and www.systemstech.comelop the solution. More

We engineer precision and maneuverability

From oil drills to giant telescopes with 500 mirrors, 1,500 actuators and 2,200 sensors to synchronize, STI engineering helps clients achieve unprecedented gains in control precision and ease of operation, simultaneously. Bring us in at any stage of product www.systemstech.comelopment: modeling, design, testing, filed optimization or trouble-shooting. More


We understand reality, so we simulate it better

One STI skill set, rare in today’s world, is our grounding in reality. We drill down to the fundamental physics and math, beneath the assumptions and algorithms, to make complex machines and humans work better together. Years of R&E consulting successes have laid the foundation for STI’s own simulation products.

STISIM Drive redefines the driving simulator. Its ability to present multiple scenarios and capture response data has given it a broader role, from research to rehabilitation to fleet training.

PARASIM has been the standard for aircrew and paratrooper training for 15 years, with nearly 400 systems being used now by the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines for emergency egress and premeditated training, Now, we’re expanding into mission planning and free fall maneuvering applications.

Fused Reality is a technology platform that enables the next generation of simulation beyond virtual and augmented reality. It’s the only platform that layers what you perceive in the real world with virtual video, seamlessly in real-time. Now you can control where the real ends and virtual begins.