Engineering Services Overview
Engineering solutions at every stage of the development and operational continuum.
At Systems Technology we like to say, “if it moves, we can engineer a solution.” Our engineers consult with government and private industry clients on complex systems that involve vehicle dynamics and control, related human/machine interaction and human factors – with or without automation. Our expanded definition of “vehicle” encompasses any machine that moves in the air, on land, or on the sea – from aircraft to oil rigs to giant telescopes.
As a prime contractor to the U. S. Government and a consultant to industry, Systems Technology has delivered solutions and accomplished hundreds of research and development programs in aerospace engineering, ground vehicle engineering, human factors, simulation, and systems and controls.
Dynamics engineering services that bridge two gaps
Systems Technology bridges two important gaps in dynamics engineering consulting, technology and research, making us an invaluable extension of your in-house engineering team:
- Humans and machines: Partially due to the advent of automation, the human behavior and vehicular engineering fields have become two separate silos. What if things go wrong with an automated system? What happens when human error is in the loop? How do you predict operator reactions? What can robotic systems learn from the infinitely adaptive human brain? STI brings the science of human behavior and cognition into the world of mechanical motion.
- Reality and theory: We like to say that we understand reality, so we can simulate it better. We strip away the complexity of a system to identify the underlying issues: the fundamental math and physics behind the algorithms and assumptions. This is a skill set that is not resident in the typical engineering team today, but can hold the solution to a seemingly impossible problem.
Bring in Systems Technology to supplement your engineering team to:
- Solve impenetrable dynamics and control challenges. Analyzing and identifying why things are going wrong, whether with your model, your design, or actual field performance
- Verify the design before expensive real world testing. Systems Technology will perform an audit upfront that could result in significant savings versus finding problems later in the design, development, and test cycle.
- Get back on schedule and meet your milestones. If you are falling behind because of a dynamics problem, let us do what we did for a major commercial aircraft manufacturer. We sent in our special forces, integrated our team with the client’s team, addressed the design and modeling challenges, and put them back on schedule.
- Audit your model before the government does. The government enlists us to perform audits for certification, from NASA to the DOD. We know what they’re looking for and can help you fix potential issues proactively.
To comprehend complex dynamic systems, a full spectrum of engineering services complimented by unique analysis methods are offered to our clients.