Flight Test
A long history of participation in exciting flight test programs.
Classic programs include flight control system and flying qualities assessments of the Space Shuttle, particularly in the precision landing phase, and system identification testing conducted with the Skyship 500. The Skyship 500 tests remain to this day one of the best characterizations of actual airship dynamics. In work conducted for the Navy, the Systems Technology and Sikorsky team was awarded the Grover E. Bell award for its state of the art modeling and testing of the CH-53E helicopter.
In flight test programs conducted with NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Systems Technology explored high speed flying qualities with the SR-71 and evaluated high angle-of-attack demonstration maneuvers with the F/A-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle. More recently, aircraft icing identification techniques were evaluated with the NASA Twin Otter Icing Research Aircraft and aircraft ground handling evaluations were made with the Navy T-45. In recent and ongoing work Systems Technology has teamed with Calspan Corporation to conduct flight research programs using the Learjet Model 25 In-flight Simulator. Specific test programs include the evaluation of the Smart-Cue/Smart-Gain system as a means to mitigate PIO and pilot-vehicle system loss of control.
Download Systems Technology Publications:
– Aircraft Handling Qualities and PIO
– Aircraft Ground Handling
– Systems Identification
Systems Technology has participated in a variety of flight test programs from heavy lift helicopters to lighter than air and from low speed, high angle-of-attack flight to Mach 3.2.